It doesn't take much to get a professional website up and running.

How much exactly, you ask?

  • [Domain]({{ site.url }}/godaddy): $7-15 per year
  • [Hosting]({{ site.url }}/hostgator): $5+ per month

That's it. That's all you really have to spend on a professional website (other than time).

If you use computers on any kind of regular basis and are comfortable [following tutorials]({{ site.url }}/website-guide "The Small Business Website Guide for Business Owners") you can easily find using Google, you could run a website on 1-2 hours a week or less, with maybe an hour or two extra [for setup]({{ site.url }}/using-wordpress-to-create-your-page-based-website "Using WordPress to create your page-based website") when you first get started.

Can you afford it?


Will you give yourself the benefit of the doubt that you can do it even though it's scary?

I sure hope so.

Credit: Picture

P.S. If you were looking for [what you can get for your budget in web design, check here.]({{ site.url }}/small-business-website-guide-how-much-does-a-website-cost "Website Budget Guide – When to do it yourself or hire a designer.")