In some ways, I am the best kind of customer. If I like your product, I am going to do all but shout it from the rooftops that I have fallen in love with your product.

I call what I do product evangelizing.

At any rate, the best online printer I have ever used is - their process is simple, their prices are great and they have always delivered before the (already reasonable) promised delivery date. So when I saw that @kauf had tweeted about comparing online printing services, I told him exactly my thoughts on and how they are awesome.

Shortly thereafter, I get this:


I was not expecting that! My own shout-out? An offer of open communication should I ever have any need?

This is how Twitter should be used by companies. Making individual connections. Opening the lines of communication. Rewarding customers who love their product (or service).

Take note, fellow tweeters. Take note and follow this path.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter @annedorko for more insights or to ask me questions and get answers and ideas.